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COVID-19 and the Poor

The pandemic of 2020 has literally caught everyone around the globe with their pants down. Who saw this coming? And please lets not be lazy and call it the "China" virus.; lazy archaic thinking doesn't help the cause. However there is one subgroup in the United States that is always under represented and under reported, African-Americans who live at or below the poverty line. The current total cases is 370,000 and close to 11,000 deaths.

What do Chicago's statistics show?

As of 5 April, 1,824 out of Chicago's 4,680 confirmed Covid-19 cases were black residents, said city officials on Monday. That compared with 847 white, 478 Hispanic and 126 Asian Chicagoan's. Chicago has seen a total of 98 deaths as of Sunday, with 72% of them black residents.

In the state of Illinois blacks make up 14% of the population but 41% of the COVID-19 cases.

According to BBC news {the coronavirus has been called the "great equalizer", data suggests that vulnerability to the infection may vary by neighborhood.}

  • * Detroit- 80% of the cases

  • * Milwaukee - 50% of the cases and 81% of the deaths

  • * New Orleans- 41% of the deaths

So what are the real underlying conditions? What about the people who don't obey "stay at home" order? People who live in densely populated areas or crowded building tenements don't have the luxury of social distancing.

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