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Hallmark Moments

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Damn it Hallmark! Why the hell did you pull the ad about the same sex couple celebrating martial bliss? Really who the f$%k cares about who loves who! I use to watch the Hallmark Christmas movies with my granny because she had no desire for anything else. The movies; especially during the holidays were spot on. But Hallmark decided to give in to the pressure of some group who didn’t understand that love is love. Hallmark has decided that they will now allow the same sex ad but the damage is done.

The rabbit is out of the bag; Hallmark tucked its tail when they should’ve stood tall in the face of intolerance. Mike Perry; CEO of Hallmark gave a statement to HuffPost “Our mission is rooted in helping all people connect, celebrate traditions, and be inspired to capture meaningful moments in their lives. Anything that detracts from this purpose is not who we are,” I get it, the CEO realized that a lot of people I mean a lot of people buy Hallmark cards and made the business decision to do a little damage control. But it doesn’t end there; Hilarie Burton who starred on “One Tree Hill” and a few Hallmark movies shared her receipts about the true nature of the Hallmark beast. I cant allege because she shared her receipts on twitter. She asked for Hallmark to have a more diverse cast that was inclusive and was given the Heisman by the network. According to Burton “The bigotry comes from the top and permeates the whole deal over there {Hallmark}”. All I can say is WTF! A company that built its brand on creating the right message if you couldn’t think of one yourself was all a lie. Next time you have a Hallmark moment think twice; their message may not be for you.

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